23 July 2011

Flash Forward

This is a TV show that is a must-see for any fans of supernatural yoghurty weirdy stuff. Frankly I'm amazed I never heard of it until now. It's really good drama with some spirituality, destiny, strange cults and synchronicity.

IMDB Linky 

The basic premise is set at the beginning - a global catastrophe that involves the entire population of the world experiencing a blackout at precisely the same moment, for the same length of time. Then it transpires that as well as blacking out, everyone also has a vision of the future. The same time, 6 months in the future. Well, almost everyone. Some people do not have visions, does this mean that they will be dead in 6 months? Or something else?

So, global culture changes overnight as people ask themselves, and each other, questions around this. Did God cause it? Is human destiny set in stone or can it be changed? Why did I see those things, what does the message mean? Did God cause this? If not, who did? And, will this future happen only because I have seen it and want now to work towards it?
Some respond to this by starting cults, taking a whole new direction in life. Some desperaqtely try to stop their visions from happening, but it inexplicably seems that no matter what they do they are merely making the vision more and more certain.

The main characters centre around a team in the FBI who are investigating what happened, and various people around them whose lives become synchronously intertwined. As the plot thickens, and the investigation travels to far-slung corners of the world, the depth of the phenomenon becomes more and more mind-blowing.

Thoroughly entertaining, not popular enough, great show!

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