For it is proclaimed, by many a yoghurt weaver, that processed and canned foods have a frequency of precisely 0MHz, while fresh vegetables have frequencies in the range 20 - 27MHz, and the really high frequency foods are products like seaweed, wheatgrass, spirulina etc. that hippies have been telling us for years are good for us.
Of course, there are a lot of variations on this theme (an example is given in the illustration below) and a lot of different numbers bandied about, though for some reason they all seem to agree that the frequency of pure rose oil is 320MHz. Not that consuming rose oil is particularly healthy for you, but that's another story. The important message is that eating higher vibration foods will raise your body's own vibration, which will in turn make us healthier and happier. Oh, and cure cancer. And activate all 12 strands of our DNA. Apparently. What does all this really mean?
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Meat exhibits a rare phenomenon known as antivibrating, apparently. |
So where do these numbers come from? It's almost as if someone has come up with a ratings scale for hippy food. There's no need for all these complex arguments about wether the president of Chick-Fil-A is a closet homosexual, or if organic food has more nutritional content than non-organic. You can just refer to the frequency of the food to decide wether it's suitable.
It makes me wonder why this sort of information is not publically available everywhere. I mean, food manufacturers in many countries are required to detail the nutritional content and calorific value of the product, so why not the frequency as well? Wouldn't food choices become so much easier?
So, lets take a step back. What does "frequency" actually mean? It's a hugely complicated subject and there are many different answers. Yoghurt weavers often use the term to apply to mystical, wishy-washy "vibrational energy" of the type undetected by science. The type you need to pay crystal healers and dowsers to help you read. I have written much about those types before.
Instead, this article is about the tangible, known-to-science kind of frequency. The type you can actually measure. Put simply, frequency is the number of times an event repeats itself per unit time. So, when applied to a periodic wave, for example, the frequency is the phase velocity divided by the wavelength. There are all sorts of different types of waves, which have different properties. Light and sound waves are examples. Pulses of electricity through a wire, nervous signals in the brain, and those wobbly things in the sea are others. Frequency is measured with the unit Hertz, which equals the number of cycles per second of the repeating event.
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A water molecule |
Moving up another level of complexity, here's a picture of a DNA molecule. This one is designed to be flexible and move around in a variety of complex ways, under manipulation by other, even larger, proteins and cofactors. Processes that happen in timescales measured in microseconds. In short, a small strand of DNA has thousands of unique oscillatory vibration movements that it makes.
Hopefully you are getting the point I'm trying to make. The concept of "frequency" when applied to a molecule is meaningless. Cells are made up of millions of hugely complex molecules in a dynamic, fluidic environment. Organisms are made up of millions of different cells of lots of different types. Therefore, the concept of frequency when applied to any type of food, or living tissue, is also meaningless. Furthermore, there are no methods of measuring it that are known to science.
(The one exception to this is the frequency of nervous signal transduction. But this too, has many complex local variables, and subject to change from one minute to the next.)
Put plainly, food and living tissues in general do not have a meaningful, fixed frequency of any description - whatever you measure, (with whichever quackery device you are using) is the sum total of thousands of different, fluctuating variables. So, returning to the original question, where do these numbers come from?
Researching this, I came across a lot of people who confused the issue of oscillating molecules with that of the frequency of light and sound, and more generally describing vibration as some amazing concept you can just apply to anything. Amazingly, Jesus had a score of over 1000MHz, a Tibetan singing bowl scores 615, and corn from the local market scores 80. One site proclaimed that cannabis has a frequency of 19, 500 MHz, I think it was called Someone else was trying to convince the world that food comes in packets called "colloids" which can be as small as 0.1 Angstroms, apparently (smaller than a hydrogen atom!). These colloids have their own electrical charge which directly tops up the body's frequencies whenever you eat.
The less said about these fools, the better.
The company Coherent Resources, under the direction of a certain Bruce Tainio used to produce a machine called the BT3 Frequency Monitor. This seems to be the device that has been used to generate all the numbers. There is only vague technical information on how it's supposed to work but it explains the process in terms of molecular structure oscillations. The manufacturers say that results will vary over time, and one of the reasons they withdrew the product was because of the difficulty in reproducing results. They blame this on the increase in EMFs in our environment in the modern age. I would put it down more to the fact that measuring the "frequency" of a food (if indeed, that's what the device does) will give you a different result every time.
Dr Robert Rife was an inventor who came up with a device for measuring the frequencies coming from different types of body tissue. He was interested in using this information in medicine and claimed that disease only sets in to the human body when the frequency of body tissue drops below 62MHz. He then went on to invent a device for "beaming" certain frequencies at tumours to try and cure the cancers. This consisted of an anal probe typical of alien abduction movies rigged up to a car battery, and he had the same kind of measuring system, in MHz.
Several people died as a result of their abstention from medical treatment whilst undergoing this procedure. Rife claimed that his work was covered up and discredited in a conspiracy to supress cancer cures.
So it's almost tempting to come to the conclusion that there are no reliable ways of measuring the frequency of a food, or a body part for that matter, and these numbers that people ascribe are made up by the people who manufacter the health food products. These "superfoods" may be good for you because they have a good range of vitamins or fatty acids or minerals, because they are chemical free, or other tangible reason. But beware of claims that they have a higher frequency and don't listen to anyone who tells you that a food can cure cancer.